Arya Ebrahimi


2019-now Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Research interests


A Contrastive NILM Approach for Appliance Detection. Arya Ebrahimi, Sara Ghavvampuor, Melika Zabihi Neyshaburi, Mohammad Hossein Yaghmae. The 7th International Conference on Internet of Things and Its Applications, 2023 (Submitted)

Academic Projects

Feb 2023 - Sep 2023 Investigating Representations and Auxiliary Tasks in DeepRL Github repository

- Implemented an unofficial version of Investigating the Properties of Neural Network Representations in Reinforcement Learning from scratch.

- Created a custom maze environment using Gymnasium. Developed a DQN agent with several auxiliary tasks to investigate their usages using PyTorch.

- Examined the effects of utilizing Fuzzy Tiling Activation and compared it with ReLU. Blog post

- Future work: Enable fine-tuning of the representations for further comparison with an approach in which initial parameters are learned by a meta-learner.

Spring 2023 Enhanced Meta-Actor Critic with Advantage Weighting Github repository

- Wrote a literature review on Offline Meta-Reinforcement Learning. Blog post

- Improved the method introduced in Offline Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Advantage Weighting by adding a new head to meta-learn the Monte Carlo returns.

Spring 2023 A Contrastive NILM Approach for Appliance Detection Github repository

- Developed a framework for collecting RMS current and power consumption data using Arduino and SCT-013 non-invasive sensor.

- Utilized Supervised Contrastive loss to learn representations for appliance classification.

Spring 2023 Parallax Eddie Platform with ROS2 Blog post

A comprehensive guide on how to get started with Parallax Eddie Robot Platform

- Calibrated wheel odometry.

- Created a ROS2 package for reading Android device sensory data and publishing a ROS2 IMU topic to fuse its data with odometry using Kalman filter. Github repository

- Tested RTAB-Map visual odometry.

RL Playground Github repository

Implementations of RL algorithms from ”Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction” and recent Deep Reinforcement Learning papers

Spring 2023 Stanford CS330 Course Assignments

Stanford CS330: Deep Multi-Task and Meta-Learning Course Assignments

- Black-Box Meta-Learning Github repository

- Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning Github repository

Spring 2023 ROS2 & Gazebo Github repository

Introduction to ROS2, TF2, Gazebo, Motion planning using MoveIt2 and mobile robots

- Organized Robotics course projects and assignments as a step-by-step guide.

Spring 2023 Deep Learning projects Github repository

Neural Networks & Deep Learning course projects at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

- DCGAN, Convolutional Autoencoders, Transfer Learning, Domain Adaptation, Sentiment Classification

Fall 2021 Classic AI Projects

Projects based on “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”

- Implemented A∗ , BDS, BF S, DF S, GBF S, IDA∗ , IDDF S and RBF S search algorithms introduced in “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” to solve a search problem. Github repository

- Implemented the Minimax algorithm with modifications such as alpha-beta pruning to play the Quoridor game. Github repository

- Solved multiple puzzles using CSP with LCV and MRV heuristics alongside AC3 and forward checking: Magnet puzzle Binairo puzzle Nonogram puzzle

Other projects

- Machine Learning projects Github repository

- Computer Vision projects Github repository

Academic Experience

Sep 2020 - Present Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Teaching Assistant

Applied Linear Algebra Jan 2022 - May 2023

Instructor: Dr. Modjtaba Rouhani

- Designed assignments related to singular value decomposition, projections, and orthonormal matrices.

- Designed practical notebook projects from scratch for students to solve, including spectral clustering, Nystroem kernel approximation method and offline adaline.

- Graded assignments and provided feedback to students.

Fundamentals and Applications of Artificial Intelligence Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

Instructor: Dr. Ahad Harati

- Designed CSP projects.

- Conducted troubleshooting classes, addressing questions and concerns related to projects.

Microprocessors and Assembly Language Sep 2022 - Dec 2022

Instructor: Dr. Yasser Sedaghat

- Designed projects for the STM32F303 Discovery microcontroller.

- Conducted troubleshooting classes, addressing questions and concerns related to projects.

Logic Circuits Sep 2020 - May 2022

Instructor: Dr. Yasser Sedaghat

Head TA

- Designed projects involving Verilog and circuit simulation.

- Recorded high-quality educational videos to teach Verilog.

- Conducted troubleshooting classes, addressing questions and concerns related to projects.

Data Structures Sep 2021 - Dec 2021

Instructor: Dr. Haleh Amintoosi

Computer Architecture Jan 2021 - Dec 2021

Instructor: Dr. Hamid Noori & Dr. Sara Ershadi-Nasab

Fundamentals of Computer Programming Sep 2021 - Dec 2021

Instructor: Dr. Mostafa Nouri-Baygi

Advanced Programming Jan 2022 - May 2022

Instructor: Dr. Mostafa Nouri-Baygi

Jan 2023 - Present Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Research Assistant

Reinforcement Learning researcher

Supervisor: Dr.~Ahad Harati

- Researched model-based reinforcement learning agents, especially Dreamers.

- Wrote a literature review on Dreamers. Blog post

Working Experience

Mar 2022 - Jun 2022 Wise Intelligent Agents

Machine Learning Intern

- Implemented a framework to collect Persian news data using Scrapy, and clustered the data using different clustering methods.

- Utilized KNIME to create a dashboard for data visualization.

Selected Courses

Reinforcement Learning (Graduate Course) 20/20 (A+)

Neural Networks (Graduate Course) 20/20 (A+)

Robotics 20/20 (A+)

Fundamentals of Computer Vision 18.35/20 (A+) (First in class)

Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence 20/20 (A+)

Fundamentals and Applications of Artificial Intelligence 19.2/20 (A+)

Applied Linear Algebra 19/20 (A+)

Technical Skills

Programming and Scripting Languages

Python, C/C++, Java, Bash, JavaScript, Octave, MATLAB

Libraries and Frameworks

PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, Numpy, OpenCV, Scikit-Learn, Gym/Gymnasium

Robotic Tools

ROS2, Gazebo, MoveIt2

Hardware Programming

Verilog HDL, STM32, ESP32

Linux Distributions

Debian, Manjaro, Kubuntu

Extra Tools

Git, LaTeX

Voluntary Activities

Sep 2022 - Aug 2023 President of the Scientific Society of Computer Engineering Students

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Sep 2021 - Aug 2022 Member of the Scientific Society of Computer Engineering Students

Online Courses

Reinforcement Learning Specialization

University of Alberta on Coursera

- Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning Certificate

- Sample-based Learning Methods Certificate

- Prediction and Control with Function Approximation Certificate

Deep Reinforcement Learning

CS 285 at UC Berkeley

Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning

CS 330 at Stanford University, Fall2021

Deep Learning Specialization

DeepLearning.AI on Coursera

- Neural Networks and Deep Learning Certificate

- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization Certificate

- Structuring Machine Learning Projects Certificate

- Convolutional Neural Networks Certificate

- Sequence Models Certificate

Machine Learning

Stanford University on Coursera Certificate

Honors & Awards

Ranked within the top 1.0% in Iranian University Entrance Exam 2019 among nearly 170,000 participants.

Language proficiencies

Persian Native

English Fluent, IELTS will be taken in late October